2 min read

Managing Back-to-School Stress as a Caregiver

By Justice Abbott on Sep 1, 2022 3:03:58 PM

My daughter is starting kindergarten and my son is starting 3rd grade next week - it's safe to say, I'm panicking a bit. I see tons of stuff offering help and tips for students to successfully transition back to school but do you have anything for the parents? For me, my child heading to school feels like a transition for both of us. I definitely allow myself to get consumed by the stress of preparing for the new school year. Do you have any tips to help me deal with my own back-to-school stress?

Topics: Emotional Regulation Strategies adults with executive function challenges Stress Management Adult Executive Function Skills parenting
3 min read

I've just been diagnosed with adhd... what now?

By Justice Abbott on Jul 7, 2022 12:30:00 PM

I've just been diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 42. Am I too old to do anything about it? I've always thought ADHD was just about hyperactive kids and problems at school. I am wary of taking medication. So, what do I do now?

Topics: adults with executive function challenges Stress Management Adult Executive Functioning Help Focus Adult Executive Function Skills adhd in adults executive dysfunction in adults adults with ADHD
1 min read

How do I know if I need a therapist or a coach?

By Justice Abbott on Mar 31, 2022 11:56:38 AM

I've been feeling depressed lately, partly because I'm overwhelmed at work, but mainly because I have a lot going on in my home life. My negative mental state has started to affect my organizational skills and my job performance and I'm worried that my boss will start to notice. I need help, but I'm not sure who the right professional for me is.

Topics: Improving Confidence Building better habits mental health work-life balance Stress Management Executive Function Skills