2 min read

Am I lazy or do I have ADHD?

By Justice Abbott on Jul 21, 2022 2:42:45 PM

For as long as I can remember, I've been told, "you're just lazy," "you're scatterbrained," or "get your act together." These types of negative messages have had a deep impact on me after all these years. Now that there's so much awareness around ADHD, I've been wondering if it's time to find out if there are some underlying causes for my problems that have been overlooked. Where do I start? 

Topics: Self Advocacy adults with executive function challenges Emotions Adult Executive Function Skills adhd in adults adults with ADHD Laziness
2 min read

Emotional dysregulation... what's that?

By Justice Abbott on May 13, 2022 10:02:47 AM

Lately, I find myself having a short fuse in situations that normally wouldn't cause me to get upset. Just the other day, I couldn't find where I left my keys and I became so frustrated that I snapped at my wife. I apologized but I felt pretty bad about it. I think these heightened emotions have something to do with my stress from work as I have a large project I'm working on. Frankly, I've been pretty overwhelmed with managing all the elements of this project. I can tell my temper is starting to affect the people around me. Is something wrong with me?

Topics: Improving Confidence Emotional Regulation Strategies work-life balance Executive Function Skills Work Problems Executive Dysfunction Emotions Adult Executive Functioning Help